Exams and related courses

Go through the exams and various courses offered by KAS Ranker for each exam. It will help you to choose the best course or course package. We have arranged it in a well structured and organized manner to ensure a seamless search. Considering your circumstances you can choose the courses best suited for you. From our side we are committed to help you and guide you in this journey. So always feel free to reach out to us through info@kasranker.com or WhatsApp connect.


  • Recorded classes (PCM)
  • Live webinar (PCM)
  • Prelims test series
  • Mains test series
Degree level
  • Recorded classes (PCM)
  • Live webinar (PCM)
  • Prelims test series
  • Mains test series
12 level
  • Recorded classes (PCM)
  • Live webinar (PCM)
  • Prelims test series
  • Mains test series
10 th level
  • Recorded classes (PCM)
  • Live webinar (PCM)
  • Prelims test series
  • Mains test series